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New regulations for family reunion
From the 1st of August 2018 family reunification of close family members with beneficiaries of subsidiary protection will be possible again. Here is some information and advice.
However, only for a limited contigent of 1.000 persons per month.
The new regulations does ot contain a legal entitlement to family reunification. The authorities are to decide who is to receive a residence permit on humanitarian grounds. These include the duration of the separatin, the age of the children or serious illnesses and specific risks in the country of origin. In addition, integration aspects must also be taken into account. In principle, spouses, minor children and parents of minors aplly for family reunification. Siblings have no such right. Family reunifications is also exvluded in the case of a marriage that took place during the flight. If the quota of 1.000 persons is not exhausted in the initial phase, it may be transferred from one month to the following month during the first five months. This provision is inteded to counteract possible start-up difficulties.
Exception for dangerous persons: The law does not grant family reunification to persons who are considered to be dangerous. Also exvluded without expection is the following of people who incite hatred against parts of the population, lead a forbidden association or take part in violent activities to pursue political and religious goals.
Detailed information on the new procedure for family reunification is available for download from the Refugee Council Thineland-Palatinate.